As an essential mission, the group is involved in lifelong learning and training in order to update people’s skills and to adapt the change of the society.
The group participates actively in Graduate and Master studies and in one PhD program titled “Industrial Engineering: Design Technology and Industrial Production”.
Furthermore, the members of the group participate in other teaching activities such as: specific courses for industries, seminars, Senior Program, etc.
At University of Cantabria, the Senior Program started in 2009 with the aim of making the accumulated knowledge and the knowledge generated by the University available to the entire adult population, mainly people over 55 years old.
Thus, the group offers a good opportunity to undertake high-quality research studies in different disciplines.
More in detail, the group participate actively in:
- Oficial programs of UC
- Undergraduate Studies
- Master Studies
- PhD program in Industrial Engineering
- Other studies of UC
- Senior Program
- Summer Courses of University of Cantabria
- Other academic activities
- Research seminars
- Conferences, visits, seminars,…. among other
- Science outreaching activities
Finally, the group has participated in all Innovation Teaching project Call by the University of Cantabria and have participated in several teaching innovation conferences and several papers have been published in education journals.