Oficial Programs of UC

Undergraduate studies:

The group is involved in teaching  12 courses of 4 different Degree Programs at the School of Industrial Engineering and Telecommunications (ETSIIT) and at the School of Nautical Studies. University of Cantabria.
Degree Programs

Master Studies:

The members of the group are involved in the Master titled “Research in Industrial Engineering” at the School of Industrial Engineering and Telecommunications (ETSIIT). University of Cantabria.
Link: Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Research
Specifically the group teaches, since 2013, the subject titled: “Eco-Innovación en la Industria: eficiencia de recursos y residuos”. 5 ECTS.

PhD Program:

The group participate actively in the PhD program titled “Industrial Engineering: Design Technology and Industrial Production” at the School of Industrial Engineering and Telecommunications (ETSIIT). University of Cantabria.
Link: PhD in Industrial Engineering: Design Technology and Industrial Production